
Social Bookmarking

You may have heard of "Social Bookmarking".
What is "Social Bookmarking" and what is the use of "Social Bookmarking"?

Social Bookmarking is an act of publicly saving favorite urls for people to see and use.

Social bookmarking is a great way to share and store important or favorite website urls with family, friends, colleagues, and the world.

Many people use their navigator toolbar to save all the website urls they want to visit at a later time. However, when they come across a really useful site and they want to share with others, they e-mail all of their friends to tell them about the site. Instead of having to e-mail an entire address book there is a new trend in sharing websites, it is social bookmarking.

Social Bookmarking

Using a social bookmarking service helps users in saving and tagging their favorite sites. This is useful because the next time a user needs to find a particular bookmark, they can search for a tag word to find the website. Also, using a bookmarking service is helpful for everyone online since bookmarking is sharing information.

Advantages of Social Bookmarking

Bookmarking from a service is easy to use. Users never have to worry about having to be on their personal computer to access their bookmarks. The services allow access to bookmarks from any computer hooked up to the internet.

Bookmarking is a great way to share favorite bookmarks with family, friends, and colleagues. Especially in a work environment, the ability to collaborate about an important website becomes much easier from a bookmarking service where the website url is already stored, ready for use.

Bookmarking doesn’t have to be only shared with users circle of acquaintances but with a much broader audience. Not only is user’s favorite website urls stored for everyone they know to see but also to every user online to view as well. Then users comment and vote on their favorite bookmark. Now it becomes a great marketing tool, too.

Disadvantages to Social Bookmarking

Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks to social bookmarking. One of the most common complaints is that there is no controlled vocabulary or subject headings. Sometimes tags are misspelled or tagged inappropriately.

Another disadvantage is that there is no standardized structure, such as using singular or plural forms when tagging bookmarks. There are no subject headings and occasionally some websites are not tagged at all. This can be particularly frustrating.

Advantages for Bookmarking a Personal Website

Personal websites are created to be viewed by online users. However, the conundrum of every owner is how to drive more traffic to their website? Social bookmarking answers this question with their service. Users are more likely to trust a friend who recommends a website then a search engine.

Personal websites will see an increase in link popularity when they are added to a bookmarking service. Search engines will discover the personal website link on the social bookmarking service, thus adding to the link popularity.

Personal websites can gain in popularity also if the owner connects with other website owners and promotes each other’s products. This is called cross-social bookmarking.



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